How much insurance is right to protect you and your family?

Strike a balance and secure your future

As many entrepreneurs and professionals will attest, it is difficult to manage your finances with so much going on around you. You face the challenge of accumulating wealth while balancing your present financial goals with worries over what may happen in the future.

We are going to reassure you that you can protect your wealth against unforeseen circumstances while living in the present. And if the wheels fall off the bus, there will be safety nets to catch you.

How our approach works

Understand the right steps to take, while you are still accumulating wealth, and secure a prosperous financial future. Here’s how we will do it: 


Think outside
of the box

You want to live in the present, but you must think about unforeseen circumstances you’ll encounter along the way. We’ll assess where you are now and where you want to be, taking into account curveballs that could impact your health or family.


Build a resilient
financial plan

Goals are more likely to be reached when you are open and willing to answer tough questions and consider difficult circumstances. We do an analysis to determine and define your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. 


Empower you to make
your own decisions

As our relationship develops, you will become increasingly confident about the route to take. Whether it’s concerning your pensions, ISAs or investments, you will feel empowered to know what to do with your money now and in the future.


Create an investment

To deliver a compelling service, we work collaboratively with a discretionary manager. We’ve built our own range of discretionary portfolios absolutely aligned to your risk profile and the associated strategic asset allocation.

What our clients say

As a time-constrained professional, with a diversified portfolio of assets including rental properties, I needed proactive ongoing concise advice from a trustworthy source covering overall planning as well as detailed investment advice. David takes the time to understand my developing planning needs, advises accordingly and provides a highly professional, reassuring investment framework to bring all key elements together.


client since 2021

I realised I needed to get my pensions in order, having saved into a company scheme for many years. I had no idea what I was due, whether I was saving enough or what I was saving into. I spoke initially to a large well-known company and was left in little doubt that their interests came before mine. David was referred to me and I was comfortable from the initial discussion that his ‘planning first, non-sales’ approach suited my needs. A satisfied client for many years now.


client since 2017

For many years we were content selecting our own investments and making our own decisions. It wasn’t until we saw, with the benefit of David’s insight, where our own choices missed key efficiencies or left important gaps. 20 years on we continue to work with David


client since 2002

Making financial planning interesting is a rare ability. Working with David over the years has, thankfully, given me an interest in making sure I pay attention to my financial future


client since 2012

Feel Free to make Your move

Get in touch today for a no-obligation chat with the team.